Bituminous waterproofing sheath
The real alternative to roll sleeves. Compared to the usual prefabricated sheaths it has considerable advantages: it does not require open flames for the application, it is a monolithic system, it guarantees greater elasticity and resistance…
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Reinforced Bituminous Sheath
Liquid waterproofing sheath enriched with special rubber granules which considerably improves stresses, puncturing, cutting and compression, compared to its standard version …
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Bituminous is born colored
Two-component bituminous liquid waterproofing membrane, enriched with aluminum pigments which, blending with bitumen, give life to a product already colored with reflective properties. Replaces the second coat of Extralarge and the subsequent protective coat.
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The Universal Bituminous
Less elastic than Extralarge but much more convenient, it still retains its high waterproofing characteristics: it can be used as a waterproofing agent for any type of support, both horizontally and vertically. Its high adhesive power …
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Multipurpose bituminous paste
It lends itself to a multitude of uses. Cold asphalt is commonly used for the repair of bituminous sheaths that present micro-cracks. It can also be used as a waterproofing …
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