ASFALTO A FREDDO is a bituminous water-based paste that lends itself to a multitude of uses. It is commonly used for the repair of bituminous membranes that present micro-cracks. It can also be used as a waterproofer for walls, roofs, tanks and reservoirs (not intended to contain drinking water), vapor barriers in thermal insulation or be used for the anti-damp painting of external walls.

Colours: black
Supports: any type
Consumption: 0,5 – 1 Kg/mq
Equipment: brush, spatula, roller, airless
KG. 18 – 10 – 5 – 1,5

ASFALTO A FREDDO is a bituminous water-based paste that lends itself to a multitude of uses. It is commonly used for the repair of bituminous membranes that present micro-cracks. It can also be used as a waterproofer for walls, roofs, tanks and reservoirs (not intended to contain drinking water), vapor barriers in thermal insulation or be used for the anti-damp painting of external walls.
Colours: black
Supports: any type
Consumption: 0,5 – 1 Kg/mq
Equipment: brush, spatula, roller, airless
Packaging: Kg 18 – 10 – 5 – 1,5

ASFALTO A FREDDO is a bituminous water-based paste that lends itself to a multitude of uses. It is commonly used for the repair of bituminous membranes that present micro-cracks. It can also be used as a waterproofer for walls, roofs, tanks and reservoirs (not intended to contain drinking water), vapor barriers in thermal insulation or be used for the anti-damp painting of external walls.

Colours: black
Supports: any type
Consumption: 0,5 – 1 Kg/mq
Equipment: brush, spatula, roller, airless
Packaging: Kg 18 – 10 – 5 – 1,5